by Scott Chacon Language Learning Tips from a Two-Year Old It is said that from the day we are born we become life-long language learners. Linguists and… Life In Germany
by Laurena Geay 5 German Things to Help You Go Through Winter Hallo! My name is Lauréna and I’m a French national. I am passionate about differences between languages,… Life In Germany
by Ryan Monfared Jotting Things Down to Help you Learn Language learning is a pretty idiosyncratic affair in that learners each have different and distinct routes to… Language Learners Essentials
by Kevin Agius The 5 languages students are learning when studying abroad When exploring a foreign country, it goes without saying that experiencing exotic cultures, meeting new people, and… Language Learners Essentials
by Nell Reeve-Jones How did the Berlin Wall Fall? In the autumn of 1989, Berlin was about to be the setting of yet some more historic… Life In Germany
by September Cowley How Can You Stay Motivated When Learning a Second Language? Learning a language can seem like a pretty daunting task. It isn’t something that happens overnight, or… Language Learners Essentials
by Géraldine Camus 20 Movies To Watch if You’re Learning French When I was learning English at school, I remember thinking that two hours a week would never… French Learners Corner
by Nicole AKAKPO Meet the ChatterTeam – Inda Despite her imposing title of Chatterbug’s Chief Learning Officer, you’ll often find Inda doing the most mundane… Chatternews
by María José Salmerón Ibáñez Translation: a Double-Edged Sword in Language Learning Many people learn a foreign language, translating it to their native language most of the time, but… Chatternews
by Inda Härtlein Meet the ChatterTeam – Nicole Nicole, who leads our Customer Success team, is undoubtedly the most popular Chatterbug employee among our users!… Chatternews
by September Cowley The Role of Conversation Practice in Second Language Learning There’s a common issue second language learners seem to have. It arises when, after months (or perhaps… Language Learners Essentials
by Megan Cape Introducing the Chatterbug Community Forum At Chatterbug, we’ve always emphasized the benefits of combining the flexibility of online language learning apps with… Chatternews