How to Be Inclusive in French
Do you think that learning a language also goes with keeping yourself informed of its evolution and trends? Feeling like you want to be part of a movement? To make it easier for you, we’ve listed the current discussions about inclusivity in the French language….
Language Learning Activity: Herb Markers
Spring is here! ☀️ The sun is finally shining (for more than one day at a time!), flowers are blooming, birds are singing… Now nature is waking up, we can too! For all you gardeners, crafters and language learners out there, Spring is a great…
20 German Words to Describe Life in Berlin
Learning German and living in Berlin? Here is little list of vocabulary for you! It might help you to learn the words perfect for describing your day-to-day life in Berlin to your family and friends abroad. Let’s dive straight in… 1 – Die Hoffnung If you’re…
8 Things to Know When Driving in Germany
You might be living in Germany and sometimes need to drive, or maybe you have some friends/family coming to visit you by car… well, make sure you read this little sum-up we made for you so you can be sure that alles ist in Ordnung…
5 German Things to Help You Go Through Winter
Hallo! My name is Lauréna and I’m a French national. I am passionate about differences between languages, between countries and between customs and cultures in general. Learning a language is discovering new words, new grammar rules and new phonetics (that’s linguist’s jargon for sounds 😉),…