Introducing our French podcast ‘Les Larmes des Anges’
Psst, have you heard the news? In October 2020, Chatterbug launched its first ever French fiction podcast for learners: “Les Larmes des Anges”; a detective story told by French native speakers and French fluent speakers, invented and written especially for French learners.
Learning a language definitely has its challenges; even when you think you’ve mastered the pronunciation, the grammar and the spelling of a new language, listening to it (and not understanding a word) can make you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall.
How is that we can read or say a word perfectly but not understand it when it’s said out loud? Well, listening is a skill that needs a lot of practice – an awful lot. We need to accustom our ears to words and structures that are new to us. So, to help you get ready to take on the French-speaking world, we have something for you!
Are you learning French? Do you like podcasts? Are you ready to practice your listening comprehension? Then follow me! I’ll be your French teacher and language expert throughout your learning journey.

What’s the story?
“Les Larmes des Anges” follows the story of three Parisian friends and roommates: Anna, Charlie and Bérénice. Anna is an actress, full of self-confidence and adventurous, Bérénice is a shy librarian who dreams of meeting the love of her life. Their roommate Charlie, the only man in the flat, navigates life day by day, teasing his favourite roommates and, sometimes, minding his own business. However, their normal life takes a turn when they receive a parcel without a recipient name, but with a “return to sender” address…
“Les Larmes des Anges” plays out over 11 episodes; join the characters on their journey. It’s suspenseful, funny and filled with interesting and useful language concepts.
Which French level is this for?
The story was created and written for high intermediate (B2) to advanced French learners (C1 and C2) and speakers. Throughout the series, you’ll hear idioms, grammar points, vocabulary and ways of speaking suited for those at B2-C2 level.
At the end of each episode, you are also invited to listen to a breakdown of the story, hosted by me, Géraldine, and a French advanced student, Franziska. Together, we will go through the story and the characters, but we will also decipher concepts and vocabulary words interesting for high-intermediate to advanced learners. And even if you happen to know them all, you may learn a thing or two regarding French culture.
If you are still learning French at a level lower than B2, stay tuned! Our fiction story will soon be adapted for B and A levels.

Is this podcast for me?
If you’ve completed a B2 course or higher, and would like to practise listening comprehension, or if you’ve lived in France and would like to refresh your memory ,or even if you speak French perfectly but are looking for a refreshing and fun story then this podcast is for you!
There is no need to have taken a course with Chatterbug to follow the podcast. However, if you are already signed up with Chatterbug and would like to get a complete practice out of it, feel free to add the unit “Les larmes des anges” to your C1 learning units. You will not only have access to the podcast but to a series of exercises designed especially for you and your French skills!
So, are you ready to dive in? Follow me and Franziska and let’s find out about Anna, Bérénice, Charlie and the mysterious parcel! Grab your computer, or your phone, a pair of headphones (if you want) and start listening to “Les Larmes des Anges” on Apple, Spotify, Deezer, Cast Box, Podfriend, or Pocket Casts!
Want to learn more?
If you’re feeling inspired to learn French, sign up below for a free two-week trial and a Live Lesson with a private qualified tutor to start speaking a new language for real! Our classes are structured around exercises created by language teachers, so there’ll be no awkward silences – we promise! 😉