New Chatterbug Features – Goals, Certifications and Audio!

A lot has been happening behind the scenes at Chatterbug, working to get you tools to make it easier and more fun to learn your new language.


One of the hardest things about learning a new language is getting a good idea of how much work it will take and a clear map of how to be successful.

Now we’re here to help you. Tell us what level of your language you would like to achieve and by when, and our Chatterbots will help you figure out how much work per week that will take and help make sure you get there.

On your dashboard  you should now see a card prompting you to let us know what your goals are.

This will take you to our new goal setter. You can choose the language level you would like to reach and the date you want to get there and we’ll let you know how much work that’s going to be. Or you can tell us how many classes you can take per week and we can let you know when you’ll hit your goal.

Once this is set, we’ll update you every week with your progress and if you’re on track to hit your goal. You can change your goal at any time.


That leads us to our next exciting feature. What happens when you hit your goal at the end of all that time and effort? Chatterbug now offers Certifications!

After you have done a majority of the exercises in a level and have had at least 75% of them verified by a tutor, you will be automatically issued a certification for that CEFR level by Chatterbug.

These certifications can be shared with your friends, family and coworkers, or you can add them to your LinkedIn profile.

Audio clips

Finally, to make it easier and more fun to get to that certification, we’ve added a new study type, over 50 audio clips with transcriptions for you to practice your listening comprehension.

As you study, you will now occasionally get audio clips to practice listening to the language you are learning. You can listen with or without the transcription, and while viewing the transcript you can click on any word to look up what it means and add it to your study deck to practice.

You can also slow down (or speed up!) the audio if you need it to be a little
slower at first. You will also get study time credit for all time spent listening to any of the clips.

Check out all the clips you can listen to now on your new
media page.

More on the way!

We’re working on even more cool stuff, so check back often and let us know what you think!

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